Scott Thompson the founder of our company once told me there is nothing worse on a professional level than being late to our seminars. Sacramento to San Jose is a two hour drive. Our seminar starts at 9:00 so we should leave by 7:00. If you include traffic you should really leave by 6:00. Sure Bay area traffic can get bad so let's say a full freeway bad traffic 27 accidents we should leave by 5:00. Not us! When we drive to and from San Jose in a single day it's a long tiring day. We meet at Starbucks in Natomas area at 4:00 in the morning and get to San Jose by 6:15. Remember we don't start until 9:00. My point is that I have not once ever been late because of this obsessive behavior (Except once in San Jose when my airplane broke and I was stranded in San Louis Obispo but that was out of my control) I was asked to be in San Bernardino the morning of February 10Th for an hour and a half free workshop. I arrived early due to my intense (OCD Even) training with Scott Thompson.
Had I paid closer attention I would have realized how early I was. I was absolutley
ecstatic to see the door open right on time (Perhaps even early) I called Scott that morning while I was standing outside and thanked him for his punctuality issues.
The good news is I met a lovely assistant named Madisson. She helped me pass out booklets and she was a beautiful five year old girl who's smile lit up the room.
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