In every market, in every state, on every trip, I teach if not preach, giving the homeowner options. Last Saturday Scott Thompson the founder of my company (www.scottcthompson.com)and Tom Bolinger (Who is our President of operations and a longtime Fidelity National Financial Executive)and myself had the opportunity to roll up our sleeves and actually do something none of us has done in years. We had the opportunity to go to a DRE hosted consumer direct seminar. There were over 3000 attendees mostly from the Latino community who were all there to try to keep there homes. Huge lenders attended like Washington Mutual, Countrywide, EMC, Litton, Bank of America, Indy Mac etc. these lenders certainly whom do not often seem to have the day to day commitment for market stabilization were all there this last Saturday February 28Th. We saw people who were overcome by emotion because they had been trying for months to have their mortgages modified. People who have been told several times were told yes on this day. Jeff davi was there who is our DRE Commissioner with his two twin sons Jeffrey and Anthony. I have had times where I am on the road for weeks and weeks at a time. I often get bored, lonely and almost a transient feeling. This day makes it all worth it. I asked several homeowners to write me their stories, I will not be posting those as to not exploit the feeling of emotion we all experienced.
-Christopher Rockey
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