Media Advisory
“FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE” Fidelity National Financial
Rancho Cordova, California www.mrseducation.com
November 24th, 2009 916.631.6180
Fidelity National Financial Implement’s National Pre-Foreclosure Compliance Course for Realtors®
SACRAMENTO, CA. – Fidelity National Financials pre-foreclosure solution and Short Sale arm known as Mortgage Resolution Services (www.mrseducation.com) has announced the Foreclosure Alternative Certified Specialist, FACS designation for Real Estate professionals today on a national platform. Mortgage Resolution Services is a national Short Sale processing center located just outside of Sacramento California.
Scott Thompson the founder of Mortgage Resolution Services is considered a national expert who has already been sought out nationally for expert advice on the subject of Short Sales. Thompson will be one of two instructors who was recently quoted in Time magazine saying “Short Sale’s are very much an Art not a Science.” Christopher Rockey, Director of Education for the FACS certification is recently quoted as saying “It’s important for the Realtor® to know that any lender big enough to give their clients everything they want is certainly big enough to take away everything the homeowner has.”
The FACS course will be unique to any other course because of the affiliation Mortgage Resolution Services has with FNF. Tom Bolinger, twenty year FNF employee heads up Mortgage Resolution Services and is quoted as saying “Our FACS Course and Instructors have a more unique understanding of the lenders language than the lenders themselves in some cases.” This understanding and ability to communicate that language to Realtors® will make this one day training a turning point for the careers of Real Estate professionals nationwide.
Thompson and Rockey the instructors for the FACS course, have taken part in writing Short Sale certification courses in the past. The two believe they have comprised the best of the material to bring the highest level of pure Short Sale strategy and execution on the market.
Please note for registration information please go online to www.mrseducation.com
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