Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Quick Lender Tips

I am asked every day "What Is Loss Mitigation thinking" very simpl,
They're not! Loss Mitigation reps. have sometimes over 200 files on there
desks do you really think they even have the time to give a shit about your file.
Why do you think it takes 6 weeks to get an approval?
You can sing til your Blue in the face but the truth is, they are in charge.
The process cannot be completed with out them and they know it.
Try being nice for a change, ask your Loss Mit. rep. "How do I work with you."
"What do you expect of me to make this an easier process."
Let's be honest, Loss Mit. hates us, why? What is the biggest line item on your
HUD? Your commission, they think it's all going to you and that one deal represents
more than six months of there salary.

-Christopher Rockey

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